The man has been through the ages for ages, the divine attirit. But the true elixir of life lies near our hands For the commonest of all liquids, plain water! I remember one day on the line which separates the Libyan Desert from Egypt in the Nile On one side, Visible sea of ​​sand without a patch of green or a single living thing. On the other side lay one of the greatest, most fertile and densely populated areas, teeming with life and vegetation, what made this wonderful difference? Why, it is the water of the river Nile flowing down to the Mediterranean from its source.

                             Geologists tell us that the entire soil of the Nile valley is the creation of the river itself. Egypt, in fact, was made by its river. Its ancient civilization was created and is sustained by the life - giving waters which come down year after year with unfailing regularity. This common substance which we take in our daily life is the most. Powerful and powerful It has played a role of vast significance in shaping the course of the earth's history and continues to play the role of the drama of life on the surface of our planet, Water countryside of beauty, much more little stream trickling over the rocks or a little pond by the wayside where the cattle satisfy their thirst of an evening. The rainfed tanks are a cheering giggle when they are full. These tanks play an important role in South Indian agriculture.

                     In Mysore, for example, much of the rice Some of these tanks are surprisingly large and it is a beautiful sight to see Water can be seen from the landscape It's the light of the day, being bright and gay when the sun shines, turning to darkand gloomy when the sky is rain water, overcast. One of the most remarkable facts about water is its power to carry silt. This is the original of the rainfed tanks. This color varies with the nature of the earth in the catchment, Swiftly flowing Water can carry fairly large and heavy particles, The finest particles, however, remain floating within the liquid in their greater density and are carried to great distances. Such particles are, of course, extremely small, but their number is also great and very much of the amount of solid matter can be transported in this way. The color of the water changes successively from the muddyred or brown of silt through varying shades of yellow and green. Such land, consisting as it does not have a very distilled matter, is usually very fertile. Csoil is a major problem in countries like India. It occurs when the top layer of the soil is washed away in successive steps. 

                          It is mainly due to sudden bursts of heavy rainfall, the slope of the land, removal of the natural protective coat of vegetation, the ruts along which water can flow rapidly, and the flow of water It can be checked using different preventive measures like the terracing of land, the construction of bunds (dams) to check the flow of water and the planting of appropriate types of vegetation.

                          The - conservation and utilization of water is fundamental for human welfare, Much of Indian agriculture is a must on any of the failures or the irregularities to soar and therefore very sensitive. The problems of soilerosion and of inadequate (not enough) or irregular rain It is clear that the adoption of techniques preventing soilerosion will also help to conserve and KeeP the water whereitis wanted. In India, an amazing quantity of rain water runs off the ground. The collection and utilization of this water Muchofit finds his way to the sea Incredibly large quantities of precious fluids are lost The harnessing of our rivers, the waters of which are now Imostly run to waste. 

                                    Vast areas of land which at present is only scrub jungle could turn into fertile and prosperous land by courageous and well - planned actior. Closely connected with the water supply is the problem of afforestation. The systematic planting of suitable trees in every possible or even in impossible areas is one of the most urgent needs of India, such plantation will be directly and indirectly. They will check soil erosion, conserve the rain of waste from the country, and also the cheap fuel supply.

                                The country in the cheapest form of internal transport  canals and rivers through the canals and barges. We hear much about programs and rails construction, but far too little about the development of waterways in India. Then, again, the harnessing of water supply makes the development of hydroelectric power. This would improve the rural life and economy, and help in tapping the ground water resources to a greater extent. Water is the basis of all life Every animal and every plant contains a substantial proportion of free or combined water in its body, and fluid is an essential part in all physical activities.