First aid is the immediate medical help given to an injured person before he or she is taken to the hospital. The first aid help to make sure that the injured patient is safe and comfortable till the doctor can help. In case of major accidents, the first aid has saved many lives! Different injuries are differently before giving first aid, This is done to prevent the germs from entering the wounds.
Burns are caused by fire, boiling water, steam, firecrackers, some chemicals or hot objects. Burns can be very suitable and causal to damage if they are not treated properly first, remove clothes Then pour cold water on that area for several minutes, soaking the burnt part in cool water for 20 - 30 minutes will help relieve pain. Antiseptic skin sprays and creams may cause an allergic reaction. If there are no open blisters, apply antibiotic treatment and cover it with a dry bandage. Do not use butter, ghee, petroleum jelly or ice. In the case of very severe burns, take the patient to the hospital as soon as possible. Give to patient a lot of water to drink.
In the case of small cuts, wash the wound well with an antiseptic soap and plenty of clean Warm Water. Dry the wound with a swab of cotton. If the bleeding continues, press a thickpad of gauze to cover cotton on the wound till it stops bleeding. Apply an antiseptic cream and cover the wound with cotton, use Dandage the cut is big. Change it daily. Do not keep the wound open If the cut is deep, clean it with soap and water Press a pad of gauze covered cotton or cloth to the wound. If the wound is on the hand and leg, then take a wide piece of cloth or a handkerchief. Tie the cloth This is called a tourn quet. (Make sure it is not too tight, as it may cause injury.) You should be able to slide a finger under it. The doctor may decide to give the disease called tetanus.
Some accidents may result in a broken bone. This is a fracture and is very painful. Do not move the injured limb Place a nice packs on the injured part to bring down the swelling. Do not Use splints to make sure hift Use a sling made of cloth to prevent movement, Take the patient to a doctor as soon as possible.
sometimes, joints like the ankle or wrist get twisted. The joint swells up and 1sV sprain, when a joint is sprained, use ice packs to decrease the swelling. Do not let the joint be moved. ASKAN is the kind of bandage that will support the joint and prevent movement. (You can use splints to make sure the joint does not move - tie the splints above and below the joint.)
The bites of animals may sometimes be dangerous. There are many types of germs that live in the mouths of dogs and cats. The bites of these animals can lead to the spread of diseases such as the rabies. Wash the wound well with soap and water Take the doctor immediately The doctor will give some injections to prevent rabies. Most of the snakes in Gujarat are non - poisons. In case of a venomous snake bite, do not allow the victim to move as it will speed up the spread of the venom through the body. Let the patient lie down in such a way Tie a belt a cloth strip (tourniquet) just above the bite lostop thevenom from spreading. Take the doctor immediately.
A nosebleed can occurs due to an accident, irritation or dryness of the lining of the or something stuckin the nose. accident, irritation or dryness of the lining of the nose, allergy, cold, heat I to lean forward slightly and breathe through the mouth, pinch the nose between humb and forefinger for about 10 minutes or until the bleeding stops. Put an ice - cube or an ice - candy in the mouth, the cold will be the blood flow to the nose. A help severe harsh, Se Glossary Help is a serious harsh, serious bruise bunipornmark that is used to be used in the form of ice, which is used to cut the cotton spots. Relieve swelling Splint a bandage that supports the hurt joint and Prevents movement venomous poisonous limb 40 soalking dip, put in water: allergic having unusual reactions Blister popped up skin,